QRP-ARCI FDIM 2015 BuildathonPrice: $35.00 |
No more GUARANTEED seats remain! SRO...
Use this item to reserve a kit @ FDIM...
Once again, W1REX (the me in QRPme) has been asked to host the Buildathon session at the QRP-ARCI Four Days in May event. For SEVERAL years, the Buildathon session has been held during the time between the presentations and the Vendor night on Thursday evening, so the intended time has been from 4:30PM to approximately 8:00PM. No matter how hard I have tried, it has always run long. Since the shift from 2 Vendor nights to just one, I have only been able to make the tail end of Vendor night and missed the opportunity to meet up with many QRPme fans. This year, I requested the Friday afternoon time slot so that if (and it will) the Buildathon session runs long, I won't be pressed to make MY exit too. Just like the sessions I have hosted in the past, I will be there until the last builder leaves... I will have things set up and ready to start building at 3:30PM on Friday afternoon. For those who might need more time to build, you can come as early as 3:30. Experienced builders can come later. I won't have a 'MASS' starting time like previous years. Hopefully, the projects will be thoroughly documented, plenty of build time and our usual ample supply of Elmers. We will be having a pizza party for the builders somewhere around 5:30. The pizza party is included in the Buildathon price.
This year, the Buildathon kit will actually be 4 projects in one! Ambitious...YES! The 4 small projects are themed around the essential tools you need when working with a kit under construction or troubleshooting on your home bench.
The 4 projects are:
A simple and compact RF probe for checking RF voltages in a QRP project using your DVM.
A dummy load with RF power measurement circuitry.
A multi-band crystal controlled signal generator for testing QRP receivers etc.
A simple RF frequency counter for measuring QRP oscillator circuits.
I hope to have some volunteers at stations that can test your projects after construction and demonstrate how to use them in practice. I will post full documentation on the projects once it is available so builders can study them and decide when they might want to show up and start building. Kits will also be made available for builders at their QTHs. Stay tuned...
It takes more than 1 person to hold a Buildathon! For the last several years, I had lots of help from a bunch of wonderful volunteers to help the builders get their kits built, tested and on their way. I hope to have an excellent batch of volunteers again this year!
Registered Builders:
David Collins.........AK4IC
Gregory Hanson........KI8AF
Fred Mouser...........KD8JIP
Richard Schwenke......N8GBA
Jill Combs............KD8QGA
Joe Eisenberg.........K0NEB
Stephen White.........NU0P
Larry Mittman.........N8MGU
Don Szenina...........N8HDT
Bill Kosonen..........KD8ZEG
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Bill Olson............W8SQ
Bob Citronberg........KI4GHT
Martha Auchard........W0ERI
Ken Durbin............K8CQO
Jack Wilker...........KB9KJO
Randy Boze............NV9Q
Scott Novinger........KC9SPW
Grant Novinger........KC9YUF
David Shelton.........N4IN
Richard Christiansen..W1TV
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Dan Wilson............KF7TDF
Ben Bowers............KE3KQ
Ben Bowers III .......KB3SJQ
Charles Brown.........W3GCU
Sam Stephan...........KD8IOR
Jamie Aston...........W3UC
William Hammond.......N3IOD
David New.............WB4SBE
Thomas Skemp..........KC9ORE
Paul Ross.............NR3P
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John Demuuth..........K8CQA
Karl Demuth...........N8PKB
Eric Vivande..........KG6NFJ
David Deitrick........KB8XG
Steven Ashcroft.......KC4URI
Andrew Hobbis.........KM4IEG
Randy Cooley..........KC9UTM
Dave Rajnaugh.........VE3OOI
Eric Gunter...........KC2TXO
John Greusel..........KC9OJV
The capacity of the room has now been reached! I will be there from 3:30PM until into 8PM or 9PM. If you want to order the Buildathon kit and possibly build on a standby basis or simply take it home, you can still order it...but please state that in your order. EARLY or LATE arrivals who won't require a seat for the entire session (FAST builders?) might be able to find an open seat during the off peak hours.
Stand(Sit)by List:
Pickup @ FDIM List:
John Humphrey.........KB4DYE
Jim Fisher............KC3BRA
Thomas Bray...........WB8COX
Mark Janzer...........K5MGJ
Jack McDuffie.........W8GPF
Please pay special attention to the names and calls below! They are volunteering their time & expertise to help make the 2015 FDIM Buildathon a success!
Rex Harper.........W1REX
Kevin Gilot........NZ1I
Joe Eisenberg......K0NEB
Graham Firth.......G3MFJ
Jim McElroy........NS1E
Rod Wallberg.......KB8DNS
Glen Hazen.........N8WE
Mert Nellis........W0UFO
John Kunz..........N8MCA
Pavel Anni.........AC4PA
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