QRPme Update 11/07/2024
The QRPme shopping cart is administered BY PAYPAL, who sends an acknowledgement email to both YOU and QRPme. I do NOT send out a confirmation order email. If you have specific delivery questions or requirements, please include them in the special instructions section of the shopping cart or email W1REX directly using my gmail address: tunacankitsI am a 1 man operation, unlike Amazon, so sometimes get VERY busy! If you need information about your order, send me an email with 'Order Query' in the subject line to tunacankits.
- Latest news: Over the past year, I've hosted 4 LIVE streamed Buildathons paying homage to the early *stars* of QRP: Tuna Tin2, CB Slider, Herring Aid 5, One-er and the final kit coming up: The Sardine Sender! While I didn't change much on the Tuna Tin 2 kit, I took liberties with the others to match up with interesting food tins.
- <---Sidebar list on left are QRPme offerings in a quasi-popular / historical order. It scrolls on and on... OR....

![Rockmite][ kits](/images/Rockmite Kits.jpg)