2014 FDIM Buildathon Kit

Price: $30.00 - By Special Request. Please email
Picture of 2014 FDIM Buildathon  Kit

Once again, W1REX hosted the Buildathon session at the QRP-ARCI Four Days in May event. Last year we had specially made 10.118Mhz HC49 crystals in unsealed cans, where we could look inside and then *pen* the crystals down a bit in the 30m beacon area. Once that was done, we built low powered 30m beacon transmitters that each operated on a then unique 30m frequency. A fun time was had by all! Once again, we will try to hold the Buildathon during the time between the presentations and the social event on Thursday evening, so the intended time is 4:00PM to approximately 8:00PM. Just like last year, the Buildathon will start off with a pizza party so we do not miss out on our supper. The pizza party is included in the Buildathon price.

This year, the Buildathon kit will tap the talents of the builders that they do not know they have! The project involves: through hole soldering, SMD soldering (DO NOT BE AFRAID!), Picaxe microcontrollers, programming, tee-shirt presses and wearable electronics! BOY! That sure sounds like FUN to me! We will build pocket compatible *Fireball* style milliwatt transmitters with FLAIR...

It takes more than 1 person to hold a workshop! Last year, I had lots of help from a bunch of wonderful volunteers to help the builders get their kits built and I had excellent volunteers again this year!

We had 46 builders this year and everybody had a good time building! Now comes the fun! This years kit is a kit that keeps on giving... I will be posting several projects that each start with the Buildathon kit and through the magic of a little creative programming and some simple circuit mods turn it into a completely new gizmo.

Registered Builders:
Greg Hanson KI8AF
Richard Schwenke N8GBA
Andre Hirter HB9EUI
John Kunz N8MCA
Bill Wrbican KA3BMU
Glen Hazen N8WE
Alton Floyd W9NCH
Roy Colvin KJ4YSY
Gregory Hanson KI8AF
John Wilker
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Jean Ouellette
Jean Ouellette
Larry Mittman
Gary Morton
Gary Morton 2
Bruce Pierce
Bruce Richardson W9FZ
Janice Hoettels KA9VVQ
Gary Lee KB9ZUV
Robert Rai KB7ZGB
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Don Szenina N8HDT
Bill Olsen W8SQ
John Demuth
John Demuth 2
Kaitlyn Cole KS3P
Josh Wilhelm KJ4NYI
Jill Combs KD8QGA
David Collins KK4AWN
Sam Stephan AC8EB
Dean Sanders WB0P
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David Ventura
Mooneer Salem K6AQ
David Ruth KC2AFK
Stuart Vanstone M0SGV
William Martin
Dave Rajnauth
Dave Rajnauth 2
Kenneth Brown
Scott Novinger
Scott Novinger 2
Martha Auchard
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Please pay special attention to the names and calls below! They volunteered their time & expertise to help make the 2014 FDIM Buildathon a success!

Kevin Gilot NZ1I
Rod Wallberg KB8DNS
Jonathan Poland N0WL
Joe Eisenberg K0NEB
Don Wilhelm W3FPR
Pavel Anni AC4PA
Mert Nellis w0UFO

  • FDIM2014 Buildathon HAMfest Stick Schematic ver2
  • FDIM 2014 HAMfest Stick Programmable Beacon v1
  • Programmable Beacon v1b

    Related Links
  • VIDEO: An ARRL video with scenes from FDIM 2012s Buildathon.