Lobstercon Maine Bugs 2 Kit

Price: $20.00
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Picture of Lobstercon Maine Bugs 2 Kit

The Lobstercon Maine Bugs kit was introduced as an attendance gift at Lobstercon 2007 and proved to be popular so it has been recently upgraded. It includes a small printed circuit board, Dallas Semiconductor one-wire digital temperature sensor, 2 ultra-bright green LEDs, piezo sounder, miscellaneous resistors, IC socket, connector and a pre-programmed Picaxe microprocessor. The new version includes a silk screen and solder masked printed circuit board and adds a 12mm coin cell holder on the back for a completely self contained electronic bug. The included program is a simulation of a firefly and cricket where the firefly flashes your call sign and the cricket chirps the temperature in cricket-like chirps. The Picaxe micro has an easy to learn BASIC-like language and kit makes a great first step project into computer programming. Download the Programming tools free from: www.Picaxe.com, build a downloading cable using a standard DB9 or USB serial cable (not provided) using the included connector parts, use the on board coin cell or cobble up a 3 battery power supply and you are in business playing with the Picaxe microprocessor. Play with the program, make changes, have fun, learn to program a microcontroller.

  • Build a Bug
  • Cricket Schematic
  • Cricket SchematicWeb
  • MaineBugsPdf
  • MaineBugsBas