QSSA & QSST Buildathon kits upgradePrice: $15.00 |
This is a upgrade package for the QSO Today HAM EXPO Buildathon kits from September 2022.
The QSSA upgrade is a new keyer chip wh=ith a couple of added features. In the paddle mode, the dit/dah paddles can be swapped in the keyer chip software. Also, the memory function is upgraded from *CQ CQ CQ DE* to *CQ CQ CQ DE (your call sign)*.
For those purchasers in the US, I request that the keyer chip be returned after the new one arrives. The chips are in very short supply and I need them for other products.
The QSST upgrade consists of a small pcb and associated parts that replaces the original band pass filter with a new low pass filter.
PLEASE follow up your order with an email to tunacankits@gmail.com with your name and call sign....