RM][ 80m. QRPme's revamped 80m version of K1SWL's Rockmite transceiver!
RM][ 40m. QRPme's revamped 40m version of K1SWL's Rockmite transceiver!
RM][ 30m. QRPme's revamped 30m version of K1SWL's Rockmite transceiver!
RM][ 20m. QRPme's revamped 20m version of K1SWL's Rockmite transceiver!
Holey_Toids Board. Revamped version of QRPme's 1st product!
Block_Toids Board. Mint tin Manhattan construction the EASY way!
Zomboids_Project Board. Zomboids tin Manhattan construction the EASY way!.
FDIM2013 Beaconator Kit . FDIM2012 Buildathon kit: The Beaconator!
Beaconator][ kit. The Beaconator on Steroids!
FDIM 2011 Build-Along kit. Check your crystal for activity!
Pocket PAL ][+. A Hamfest parts checker....
49er Picaxe Relay Controller. Build a programmable relay controller.
Picaxe Playset. PLAY/Experiment with those Picaxe micros!!!.
Picnic Table Outlets. A Lobstercon kit from the past...