Pocket PAL II Handy Dandy Hamfest parts Checker

Price: $35.00 - By Special Request. Please email
Picture of Pocket PAL II Handy Dandy Hamfest parts Checker

NOTE: THE POCKETPAL Handy Dandy Hamfest pocket tester has been updated a second time... Check the Kits by Function buttons on the HOME page and select Mint Tin kits to find the latest version...Pocket PAL ][+. Older versions are Pocket PAL (original) and Pocket PAL ][ (green pcb). THE LATEST version is the Pocket PAL ][+ and is a red pcb.
It is listed near the END of the sidebar as the FDIM 2023 Buildathon kit.
I have turned it into the POCKET PAL ][+ to add more testing functionality and we will be building this NEW version for the FDIM Buildathon!
1 The fixed 14.318 oscillator can & divide by 2 square wave circuit can has been updated to a Pierce crystal oscillator circuit with 2 jumper selectable crystals. TWO HC-49US crystals come with the kit but they are installed into sockets so you can change them any time you like!

Added a simple test keyer output

Added option control pot

The documentation for the original Pocket PAL ][ version have titles starting with Pocket PAL II, whereas documents pretaining to the BUILDATHON will have a ][+ postfix.

The PocketPAL is a mint tin sized tester for all kinds of hamfest goodies that you cannot ordinarily test with a DVM. Several constant current and voltage sources can be used to test panel meters, LEDs, and many other current or voltage driven devices. An on-board oscillator can running at 14.31818 and a divide by 2 circuit can be used for testing oscilloscopes, receivers, frequency meters and other RF devices requiring an RF signal. A Picaxe microprocessor is also on-board and can be programmed to act as a frequency counter with Morse code audio output, and an audio frequency sweep generator for testing headphones, speakers, piezo elements etc. A crystal oscillator ties to the frequency counter circuit for measuring quartz crystals.

As of November 27,2017, the PocketPAL kit is now a version 2 kit, Pocket PAL II, with all the mods eliminated and with new printed circuit board and parts set.
The documentation for the new version have titles starting with Pocket PAL II, whereas documents pretaining to the older / original version start with orig-

  • Pocket PAL ][+ trace cut
  • Pocket PAL ][+ Schematic FINAL
  • Pocket PAL ][+ BOM
  • sorting sheet PAL ][+ 1
  • sorting sheet PAL ][+ 2
  • sorting sheet PAL ][+ 3
  • Pocket PAL ][ Builders Guide
  • Pocket PAL ][ BOM
  • Pocket PAL ][ Schematic
  • Pocket PAL ][ Silk Screen
  • Pocket PAL ][ Download Cable Build
  • PAL Program - VERBOSE text
  • PAL Program - LITE text
  • PAL Program - VERBOSE
  • PAL Program - LITE
  • orig-Pocketpal-BOM
  • orig-PAL-1
  • orig-PAL-2A
  • orig-PAL-2B
  • orig-PAL-3
  • orig-PAL-4
  • orig-PAL-5
  • orig-PAL Schematic